Today like most days here was....interesting. It was also the first time in a long time I worked for a solid eight hours on anything besides homework. Apparently, if we want the SACCO members to actually come to the meeting we have been planning for them we need to personally bring an invitation to them, and basically guilt them into it. Vironica is the chief of the SACCO and has been the woman who has made our relationship with the SACCO possible. So because I have been the leader for planning this meeting I volunteered to pass out the invites with Vironica. Little did I realize this meant eight hours of walking near and far, knocking on members doors, traveling out to three villages and in the end funding two children’s schooling. And we still only got to half the names on the list. Now, don’t get me wrong I may sound like I am complaining but I’m far from it. Today, at times, was hard and exhausting but always absolutely amazing.
Wait a minute...funding two kids to go to school? Ok, well I know I can’t pay for every child that deserves an education to go to school, but two? Definitely. It all started with the eight year old boy who sold two bananas to me and Vironica while we were taking a rest under a tree. Vironica asked the boy why he wasn’t at school and he said, “school fees,” so Vironica asked, “how much do you need?” the answer: “8,000 shillings” (which is roughly $4). My God I had to restrain myself from just opening up my wallet. The problem with just giving the child the money is that without personally paying the school, you never know where the money will actually go. So, I asked Vironica if there were any SACCO members who’s children weren’t able to go to school because of an amount so small. And of course the answer was yes. Our next stop on our agenda just so happened to also be the school where the 12 year old girl was attending. So in five minutes and roughly $4.50 out of my pocket, a 12 year old girl was able to finish her school year. That gives you a certain kind of high to do something so small that makes such a huge difference. So I asked Vironica if that girl, Ester, has any siblings that would need the same support (gotta be fair) and she said they don’t need the help now as much as Judith. Ok, who is Judith? Judith is anywhere from 5 ½ to 7 years old, she is from a rural village and they aren’t sure. But Judith and her seven siblings just lost their father to a snake bite. When one of the woman from the SACCO went to the funeral what she found was appalling. There was no money for a proper burial and all of the children were already visibly in very poor health. The mother couldn’t afford to feed the kids more than one small meal a day. So five of the children were adopted by individuals who attended their father’s funeral. The older children stayed in the village with their mother to work digging holes. Now Judith for the first time in her life is eating three times a day, but her adopted mother still cannot afford to pay Judith’s school fees, which are basically $40 for a eleven month school year. I had the opportunity to meet Judith and my heart melted. She had never seen a white person before and her timid smile and wide eyes were locked on me with amazement, as my eyes were locked on her in equal bewilderment. How could a child so young have already gone through so much pain? Its one thing to hear about it, and another to shake hands with it. So, in my mind I adopted Judith...I then vowed to myself to do whatever I can to make this beautiful young girl’s life just a little better. Let me know if anyone wants to sponsor a child and I will walk to their school and pay the bill myself...there are countless “Judiths” here.
Tomorrow should be an adventure as well, I will be heading up the mountains to another village with Vironica to buy some millet for her business. This should be super cool because anytime you go very rural, the culture is always rich with new surprises. Can’t wait :)
Well done Auntie Jaime,
ReplyDeleteI think yesterday you became an Auntie to Judith (how appropriate another "J" girl to add to the family) and Ester.
Dad and I are in for 1 tuition now. When does their school year begin and end? Do the children get a meal at school?
We will deposit 40.00 in your account.
LOVE mom
I am so proud of you Jaime. It is obvious that your heart is in the right place. I too would like to help sponsor a child. I'll get with your mom to work out the details. I am sure that others will follow.
ReplyDeleteGreat job with the blog. I look forward to checking to see if a new one has been posted.
Love you, Eric